Simplicity ~ Ease ~ Inner Peace
Couldn’t we all use a strong dose of these about now?
Because it’s a busy time of year we often put our needs last and don’t take care of ourselves. We hold too many things at once….obligations, should do’s, promises, conflicting commitments, rushing around, feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.
Here are just a few of the comments (& questions) I have heard recently from my clients, friends, family and even from myself.
I have overextended myself…again!
How can I say NO without disappointing others?
I just want to stay home but feel I will be missing out.
I feel guilty and selfish if I take care of myself.
Have you felt this way?
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
All of this energy leaves us depleted in more ways than one.
How can we slow down and step into Soul Playing in self-nurturance? How can we give ourselves the gift of Soul Play? How can I take care of myself during this busy time of year? How can I practice Soul Playing through the holidays?
I decided to sit down the other morning and revisit my self-nurturance practices as a reminder and an inspiration to do it differently. I’d love to share a few simple ways I Soul Play in self-nurturance with you:
* Pause for some fun &/or creativity vs. push
* Take 10 deep breaths
* Take 10 minutes for tea (chamomile isn’t only for bedtime)
* Take a walk around the block or a short walk in nature
* Say NO to one person, place or thing &/or cross two things off your to do list (just don’t do it!)
* Have your groceries delivered or get a healthy take out meal
I have found these practices release stress and create a relaxation response in your body, mind and spirit. They calm your energy system and create a deep sense of peace, an open heart and the vibration of joy and happiness. They set the stage and create an opening for more fun, enjoyment, heart connection, magic and more energy for you! I believe self-nurturance is a spiritual practice. Our joy and fulfillment are a service to others. When we take care of ourselves, everybody wins!
Wintertime symbolizes a going within, a time to hibernate, get still, slow down and reflect. It is a time for reading, listening, gathering, dreaming and planning. It’s the season to sit by the fireplace with a book in your lap and soup on the stove. Winter can become a time of feeding the spirit and nurturing the soul.
In order to honor and nurture the natural rhythms of nature and get still, I have created a ritual of taking myself on a “snowcation.” I am officially known to my friends and neighbors as a “reverse snowbird”. This is what brings me inner peace.
Strolling in the Snow ~Minnesota
This is one of my favorite ways of self nurturance
Tomorrow we celebrate Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the longest night of the year and symbolizes the rebirth of the sun and the beginning of winter. Creating a meaningful celebration of Winter Solstice can help us cultivate a deeper connection to nature and family and all the things that matter most to us.
It can be a profound way to tune into the magic and beauty of the season.
Rituals are one of my favorite things to do! I find that they are a wonderful way to nurture myself and get back to center. I created a very simple Winter Solstice Ritual as a way to get still and as a reminder to live from my heart and to nurture and honor my soul. I invite you to use this one or create your own.
My wish for you this holiday season is to give yourself the gift of Soul Play. Give yourself permission to slow down, bask in some stillness and to Soul Play in self-nurturance. Allow your holiday celebrations to become authentic and meaningful. Not only will you experience the most wonderful time of the year, but you might also find that your joy is the greatest gift of all!
Give the gift of Soul Playing with self-nurturance to yourself. It truly is priceless.
Have a playful holiday season and a joyful New Year,