The longest night of the year, followed by the renewal of the sun, demonstrates the cycles and rhythms of nature. Celebrating the Winter Solstice can be a wonderful reminder that our lives are part of a larger order, always changing, always renewing.
By performing this simple ritual to celebrate the Solstice, it serves as a touchstone to help you cultivate the energy of self-nurturance and appreciation that will carry you through the holiday season with more ease and joy.
* Create sacred space (See My 5 Principles of Healing)
* Light a candle
* Cultivate stillness within yourself by placing your hand on your heart and taking several deep breaths
* Listen to your heart ~ Reflect on 3 things that you are grateful for in your life
* Breathe those 3 things deeply into your heart space until you feel your heart expand
* Blow out the candle, notice any additional shifts and smile:-)
Have a playful holiday season and a joyful New Year,