Several years ago, I had a healing practice in New York City. I would fly from Florida once a month and spend a week treating 35 clients. I realized during that time in my practice that most people were working on the same issue/topic in different ways. This is when I was guided to started looking for themes, and I have been looking for them ever since.
The theme that is really standing out to me right now in my 1:1 Healing Sessions is Forgiveness.
The topic comes up again and again and the opportunity to clear out shame, guilt, anger, resentment, etc. is front and center.
When I mention forgiveness, some of my clients respond with, “I’m not ready to forgive or I don’t want to forgive.” Or “that was a long time ago, etc.” The resistance can be palpable because they don’t even know where to start and they are afraid to feel.
Most people don’t realize that our inability to forgive, is a way to protect ourselves. We naturally withdraw and withhold our love and joy because we’ve been hurt in some way or form.
Once I explain to my clients the benefits of releasing this energy that is stored in their cells, and how much it will serve them in feeling better physically, mentally and emotionally, they are more open to the experience.
Often times, forgiveness isn’t about forgiving another person, it’s about forgiving ourselves. No matter who or what we are called to forgive, it always serves us first.
The key word in learning to forgive is the willingness to forgive. I have found time and time again, that when someone is willing, just willing, magic occurs.
As Gerald G. Jampolsky says, “Our willingness to take that journey and cross the bridge, brings us into our own spiritual essence and into a new space of expansion, transformation and unconditional love.”
So I ask you…”What is one thing you’ve never forgiven yourself for?”
Yes, that thing. That situation or episode that you hold close to your heart. Perhaps a secret you are keeping covered by hurt and shame? The circumstance you are tucking away. The thing you are protecting yourself from.
Are you ready to no longer suffer, to heal your heart and soul? To set yourself free?
Forgiveness is a way out of darkness and into the light.
Forgiveness is the most powerful healer of all.
The theme for my next Sacred Healing Circle is Forgiveness.
When we gather, you don’t have to interact with anyone else. It’s your private time to go within and have your own healing experience. You can however, share or listen to others at the end when I stop the recording and open up the space.