Are you protecting yourself from your 💖desires?

It’s 2006 and I’m sitting in a quaint auditorium in New York City with 250 other women from around the world. I had signed up for the ‘School of Womanly Arts’ after my friend had gifted me Regena Thomashauer’s book when my husband suddenly passed away three years earlier.

One of her teachings involved getting in touch with your heart’s desires. The definition of desire is:  a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.

When we were first given the assignment to write our desires down, I felt paralyzed. And honestly it surprised me. I felt this tightness in my chest and a protective shield around my heart.  I was scared because I could not feel or access what it is I truly wanted in my life. I was shut down.

Sure, I had been experiencing a lot of grief and life changes at the time, but it was even deeper than that. I came to the realization that it had been a very long time (if ever), since I had allowed myself to take the time and go within and feel, know and name my deepest wants, needs and desires.  From this awareness I committed myself to dive deeper into what externally wasn’t working for me anymore and what my own internal blocks were.

When we ignore our true desires, it creates issues in our lives. We aren’t in alignment with our true selves, our relationships suffer, we can experience anxiety &/or depression, we stay stuck in work that is unfulfilling, our health is challenged and so on.

As time went on and I continued to melt the barriers and release the layers of old, stuck energy, my heart desires came through in all areas of my life.

Naming what I wanted in my life and aligning with that knowing changed EVERYTHING!

My healing practice shifted in profound ways (I even opened a practice in NYC)
My work went global
I connected with my life partner
I made new friends which are still in my life to this day
My time spent with my family and loved ones was more genuine and fun
I had the courage to let things go that were no longer in alignment with my heart
I traveled to Greece, Italy, Spain, Norway, British Columbia, Bahamas and more
I felt more alive than ever before

I said YES over and over again to what it was I truly wanted and the magic kept happening!

And I want the same for you!

Knowing and naming what we want in our life is really important.  From this place you can then take action.

So let’s take a go at it… take out your journal or notepad and write down 3 things that you truly desire. Even if you think you could never have them. Then take one baby step towards making it happen.

Hit repy and let me know at least one!
I would love to hold the space for that to come zooming your way💫💥

Want to release your protective layers and go deeper in naming and knowing your desires?  

Here’s to living the life of your dreams,

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