Rebirth Ritual

~Photo by Melanie Ericksen Full Moon From Singer Island

~Photo by Melanie Ericksen
Full Moon From Singer Island

Rebirth Ritual
With My 5 Principles of Healing
This Full Moon/Harvest Moon/Lunar Eclipse taking place today on September 16th, 2016 gives you the opportunity to do a ritual to mark a personal turning point.  The energy during this potent time can illuminate healing not only on the physical level, but on the emotional, mental and spiritual levels as well.
It can be a powerful time to release and unburden yourself.  It gives you an opportunity to celebrate your renewal by releasing an old perception, behavior, pattern, attitude, or relationship. A ritual helps you to acknowledge and embody this inner transformation and REBIRTH.
I invite you to take one solid step of inspired action to fully embrace your authentic self.
Here is a simple ritual for you:
#1  Create Sacred Space  
~  Light a candle, burn sage or incense, call on your angels & guides, the 4 Directions, Drum, etc.
*Set an intention ~ Example:  You are now willing to let go of anything
that no longer serves you.  Create your own intention.
#2  Listening  
~  What do you want more or less of in your life, so that you can love the life you’re leading?
~  What is the one thing that needs to to be released that would change everything for you?
#3  Witnessing  
~  Write down everything that comes up for you….allowing yourself to be witnessed.  Capture your thoughts and emotions around where you are.
~Perhaps you may even share it with a friend?
#4  Releasing
~  You can burn the paper and offer it up as a prayer 
~  You can bury it offering it to Mother Earth
~ You can “dance it out” of your body 
~  You can lie in the grass, visualizing all of the old stuff, leaving your energy system
~  You can soak in an Epsom salt bath, intending for what no longer serves you to go down the drain.
~  You can create your own process of releasing!
#5  Opening  
~  You have now created new space!  What would you like to bring in to fill this up?
~  I like to take a Moon Bath ~ feeling the brightness & power of the moon illuminating me with my new desires/intentions.
~ I often dance into & feel the new as if it already exists within me
~ I offer gratitude…I call in grace…I ask to be open to this positive change.
Be creative!
Play with it!  
There is no right or wrong way…..just YOUR WAY!
Happy REBIRTH to you : )

