One of the many things I continue to find fascinating about my work is there is always a running theme with my clients and myself included. For example, if someone is challenged with speaking up, it shows up as a core issue for most everyone that month…or perhaps people are digging deeper to feel more joy and purpose in their work. They are grateful for their job but something is missing. I see very clearly how we are all “working on” (or as I say “playing with”) similar challenges in our lives in different ways.
Most recently the theme has been one of inner conflict. I will use myself as an example. Part of me wants to do this…another part of me wants to do that. Something feels good but there is still a feeling of being on the fence or torn. I have a deep desire to free myself of some habit or belief and yet I am also hanging on for dear life.
Feeling conflicted is a normal part of life. But staying in this place can also be unsettling and exhausting. I feel one of the greatest needs today is finding ways to create a sense of calm…to find a way for our inner lives to be more at peace…in mind, in body, in spirit.
During these times of inner conflict I am especially grateful for the tools I use: My 5 Principles of Healing and the concept of Soul Play. These tools support me in grounding, getting into the present moment, relaxing more fully into the inner conflict, and gaining clarity on my life lessons. These tools allow me to ride the wave as I know this too shall pass.
Riding the Waves
Today I’d like to share my client and colleague Charrise’s Soul Play Story about riding the waves. She writes beautifully about her healing journey and how she has embraced the healing power of Soul Play.
“My healing journey began the day I realized I was carrying a wound related to my mother. I asked a friend for a referral to a counselor, and lucky for me my friend gave me an even better connection–Melanie Ericksen. I was challenged by my own beliefs about who I was supposed to be for my mother. I carried shame, frustration, and confusion, and it was a heavy load. This led to the discovery of other areas in my life where I was not fully expressed. I was not seeing things clearly. Melanie helped me see who I really am; accessing my innate wisdom and power. She led me straight to the root of what needed healing, and together we released it. Her magical Soul Play invited me to dig deeper and practice what I learned, so it could more easily become integrated. My life is forever changed. My relationship with my mother, my husband, and my colleagues has been transformed into something more peaceful, loving, and mutually satisfying. Personally, I have access to a greater level of peace. I no longer feel so alone, knowing I have angels and spirit guides — and Melanie by my side. I continue to use the Soul Play insights and strategies on a daily basis. I even find myself doing hip circles while driving to keep the energy flowing! Melanie has been a true gift, and I look forward to continuing our journey together.”
Are you experiencing some sort of inner conflict?
Are you holding onto something that is challenging you?
Do you crave more calm in your life?
Breathe deeply into your body.
Be where your feet are and ride the wave.
Trust that your timing is perfect and you can’t get it wrong.
And give yourself time to play!